QR Stencil Creator

This tool allows you to generate QR Codes that can be used to create stencils that can be cut out with electronic cutters or laser printers. Simply enter the text you want to encode, and click "Generate Image" to see your QR Code. You can then save the generated image to your computer.

This is the text that will be embedded in the QRCode. The most common use case is to embed a URL.
The higher this is the more damaged the QR code can be and still work, at the expense of requiring more data and a larger QR code. For smaller stencils you may want to use a lower number.
The smaller this is the more space between blocks. This will increase the error level but create more physically stable stencils. You want to use the highest number allows your cutter to create the stencil you want.
Check this box if you want the QR code to include stencil cut lines.
Choose the style of the QR code. "Square" is the default style, while "Circle" will create a QR code with circular modules.
Choose the color of the QR code. The default color is black.
Generated Image
QR Content: Enter your text here
Allowed Error Level: 15%
Grid Percentage Fill: 80%
Stencil Cut Lines: Yes
QR Style: Square
QR Color: #000000